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SAEKO: The Power of Souls

The best music often grows out of the difficulties that people have to face in their lives. Japanese Metal singer Saeko had hard things to encounter and therefor vanished into thin air for many years. But now she is back, maybe stronger than before, and willing to let people know. A crowdfunding campaign is running to get new material published and show the world, how much passion and love that woman has to throw into the metal music world!

Hey Saeko, after about 13 years of abstinence you are back in the music world. What was the reason for that long pause?

Let me put it this way, a few things happened businesswise and I couldn´t figure it out myself in those days (2006). So, I stopped. When no Japanese lawyer knew how to rescue me from what happened outside of Japan, it took me more than 10 years to figure it out and solve it. Anyway, I don´t live in the past and life taught me a lesson. Now I´m facing the future.

"After all, I don´t care about what is trend in the metal world now. I always do what I want to do."

Now you are back and have gathered strong musicians around you for the restart. How did you find and form the new line up?

After solving the problems, I started to look for members. I first needed a guitarist who could arrange my songs. Then, in February last year, when Trick Or Treat played in Osaka, the City Webzine "Bochi Bochi" asked me to interview the band. While interviewing them, I found that the guitarist, Guido Benedetti, was in the crowd when I played at Wacken Open Air 2005 and that our taste of music was quite similar. And I got a strong feeling that he´s the right person. So, later I asked him and he said, "Yes". In September, we made the first demo and I sent it to Michael Ehre, and later to Alessandro Sala. They both liked the song and said they´d help me. Their video messages on the campaign site will show you more details.

Being back certainly means, that you not only want to play live, but work on new material, right? At which stage are you at the moment regarding fresh songs or even a new release?

As written on the crowdfunding campaign site , we will make the album by the fund gathered by the campaign. Writing songs may not be so easy, but the much more difficult part for us, especially when I am Japanese, is having enough budget to get over barriers that exist between Japan and Europe. I can´t explain all here in this short interview ... anyway, non-music things are much harder and I need support by many people.

For your return you have started that kickstarter campaign that seems to be successful. How exactly will you use the money you gain this way?

It´ll be the recording and production fees for the album. For example, fees for the studio and engineers, graphic design, photo session, my staying. Besides that, I don´t want Guido, Michael and Alessandro to work for free. You know, I have respect for their music work. So, some of the money will be paid to them.

How have been the reactions so far about your restart?

I have a very good feeling. For example, to spread the word, I contacted a number of webzines. Then, I sometimes got replies like "Wow, you are back! Do you remember that it was me who interviewed you on the release of the 2nd album", "I interviewed you after Wacken. Welcome back!" etc. Also, the web-version of Japanese metal magazine, BURRN!, put two different articles for me. I was like, "Ohhhh, you still remember me after 13 years!!!" You know, I thought no one would know me after such a long silence. I was surprised and super happy!!!

The metal world has changed during the last 13 years. What is your personal view at the scene nowadays?

Well, you must know the metal world much more than me. I don´t think I know enough to analyse it and say my opinion about it. You know, I assume most musicians are more or less the same, but when you create music yourself, you don´t listen to others´ music so much. I mean, you would do something other than music, like reading, for a change. After all, I don´t care about what is trend in the metal world now. I always do what I want to do.

And what did you learn about yourself during that period?

If there´s anything special about me, it´s not a music or singing talent, creativity or anything about my appearance. I think the special thing about me is a never-giving-up spirit. You know so many people give up without even trying. So many Japanese lawyers, even some German lawyers at first, told me it´d be impossible to solve the problems I had earlier. But we solved it after all and I´m here. So, most things people call "impossible" are possible if you never give it up.

Let´s talk about concerts. Are there any planned yet, that you can tell about?

No, not yet. I first need to make an album, which would be possible only when the crowdfunding is successful. Then, I need to look for deals for Japan and Europe. Then, I need to look for people who could work together with me. I mean, you may not believe it, but I have no manager, no promotor, no labels, no agencies yet. All I have is these great musicians and support from long time fans. That´s really all. So, when the campaign finishes, I will look for those people. Anyway, it´s better than my first try in 2002. Back then, I started from handing out flyers on the street, completely alone. No one knew my name. But now I have musicians and long time fans. Now I know some people in the industry. So, I´ll make the team from scratch, step by step.

What did you miss most about being on stage during the last years?

Well, that is my meaning of my life... so I felt I lost the meaning of my life itself.

On the other side, i think you have been to concerts of other bands and artists in the meantime. What have been the most impressing shows to you?

Most metal bands who come to play in Japan are wonderful in their own way, so I can´t tell which was the MOST impressing. Actually, all those great shows made me somewhat sad ... I mean, I always felt those great bands deserve more audience. However, there´s not much media in Japan that cover these metal bands. So, the more impressing their shows were, the sadder I felt. I hope you understand what I mean.

Being from Japan you have a different cultural background than people from Europe. What do you think how this affects your songs and songwriting?

It surely affects my music, but I do not know how it affects exactly. I mean, it should come out naturally and unintentionally.

If someone asked you for some travel advice regarding Japan, what would be the places one should visit in your opinion?

Of course, my hometown, Osaka. It´s between the two old capitals, Nara and Kyoto. Also, it´s the centre of the Kansai region, where so many UNESCO world heritage lies.

Looking at the world as it is nowadays, what are the most beautiful things you see?

It may sound cliche, but the power that lies in the souls of people. This has been the theme of my music, and it will be so.

On the other hand, what in life really frightens you?

To lose the meaning of life. When there´s no meaning, you lose the power to move on.

And last but not least: In our last interview many years ago you told about "Love/Liebe/Ai" as the one big force that leads us all. With your grown experience, what is your view on that power today?

I feel the same, and that´s what leads me back to you now. With my music, I wanna wake up love that often sleeps in people´s souls. I wanna share it with you at concert.

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to talk to you. I appreciate it!!

More Info:

02/04/20 by Otti
SAEKO in unserer Band- und Künstlerdatenbank

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