Being mostly known for their early hits like Send Me An Angel and Catch Me I´m Falling it can be said that Real Life gained cult status. The band around singer David Sterry (only original member left) have been active over the decades and will release a new album these days. Furthermore Real Life are coming to Germany soon to play four shows around the republic. Connected to this we had the great opportunity to do an email interview with David about Germany, being called an 80s band and many other topics. So keep on reading!
Hey David, it´s such an honor to do this interview, as your music has accompanied me almost my whole life. How does it feel to know, that you have touched so many people all over the world with your songs?
It makes me feel very humble. Music is the soundtrack to our lives and I´m very lucky to have people all over the world tell me a story about their life and how they related to our songs. We all have certain songs that remind us of happy or sad times and world events. People have enriched my life with these stories and I have many songs from others in the soundtrack of my life.

"We all have certain songs that remind us of happy or sad times and world events."
There are only a few days left till your next short tour here in Germany starts, named after your greatest hit "Send Me An Angel". What are your hopes and expectations regarding those concerts?
As always I want to be the best I can be. I hope I´ve picked the right songs that people want to hear and that the band and the audience have a great time together in a very relaxed atmosphere.
Are there any German products like specific food or something similar, that you absolutely love but don´t get "Down Under"?
Currywurst, Bratkartoffeln and Haribo Gold Bears!
Do you have one really cool moment you remember, that occurred on a past show in Germany and that you can share here with us?
I get very nervous with stage fright and when we played Bochum last May my legs were shaking so much on stage I was sure everyone could see. I´m also very clumsy and often fall over...
Coming from Australia to Germany for those dates sure needs a lot of preparation and planning. What did you have to organize to make this Real Life tour possible? And who helped you with that?
You are so right. It takes over 24 hours to get to Frankfurt from Melbourne and half the band are in Germany so we exchange files and videos via email to work out who plays what part then we have some rehearsals in Cologne. We fly by the seat of our pants..
Most people still regard Real Life as "an 80s band". Is this boon or bane to you, and what do you think about that decade stamp, that bands often get?
Yes it´s a double edged sword. I love the Eighties, but Real Life have had albums out in the nineties the 00´s and there´s a new one out next week via I-Tunes and Spotify called Sirens. The first 2 hundred people at the German shows will get free download cards. It´s Prog-Tronic-New Wave.
If you look back at your musical career now: What are the things you really regret?
I used to regret not maintaining our early success. We got into lots of trouble and legal fights with our Australian record company and manager. It took nearly 20 years to sort out, but now I´m in a really good part of life and I´m so grateful to be able to work and have an audience.
And on the other side: What are you absolutely proud of?
I got thrown out of school when I was sixteen and told I was going nowhere. I proved them wrong.
Being from Australia I suppose you are in any way directly confronted with those horrible wildfires that shock us here in the media. What are your thoughts and feelings about that?
Yes it´s a terrible disaster. Everybody here knows someone who has been in danger or who lives in an area that´s being threatened. I live in the City of Melbourne many miles away from the fires, but the air here is yellow with smoke and not safe to breathe. For me the biggest tragedy is the animals who are so defenceless. It´s totally heartbreaking. We are grateful that the world is watching and coming together to help.
Most people agree that those fires are even worse than ever because of symptoms and impacts that climate change brings. So what´s your opinion about this?
I´m with the scientists and environmentalists. It´s definitely part of the problem with other weather patterns and seasonal irregularities. Now that we´ve experienced this horror, I hope leaders all over the world will stop blaming each other for political point scoring and work together to prepare for the future.
Coming back to music again: Do you think that music and art have any power to change the world? And if so, how would you describe that?
I´d like to see the return of the protest song, but the music business often spends too much time loving the wealth and glamour of it all. It´s been a while since the free Nelson Mandela campaign and I don´t see anything as big as Live Aid on the horizon. However I think Jarvis Cockers Xmas song was brilliant!
Are there musicians and/or artists, that still touch you deep in your heart?
The theme from Lawrence of Arabia by Maurice Jarre has been stuck in my head since I was 10 years old. The music of Nino Rota who wrote the music for Fellini. She´s a Rainbow by the Rolling Stones and Low by David Bowie.
Funny thing is, that your band´s name "Real Life" has gotten a new and different meaning since people spend more and more time in the virtuality of the internet. How is your view on this new digital era?
A mixed blessing I think. It´s amazing for the makers of music, art, film and literature. I love email, but I think social media is getting a bit out of control.
In your thoughts, what are the advantages and disadvantages of cyberspace compared to the real world?
You ask such hard questions... Advantages: Being able to connect to people all over the world instantly and to be able to bypass corporate media owned by billionaires. Being able to make an album on Garage Band without a record company. Disadvantages: Fake news, bullying on social media and junk mail.
And to let this interview end properly: Who are your personal angels, that you would like to thank at this point?
The New Zealand Prime Minister, Greta Thunberg, and Dolly Parton..
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