After having the pleasure to see this great band live at the New Waves Day 2019 in
Oberhausen, I was even more happy to get the chance for an album review. After
their last album Fate came out in the year 2016 this wonderful new album
called XII was issued in October 2019. The album comes in five versions such
as vinyl record called VIII which is limited to 300 copies and with eight songs,
glasmastered CD and in three different file formats (mp3, Wav, Flac) but with
twelve songs. I must admit that I have not heard from The Arch for ages and
was really surprised that they have continuously issued very good goth music. The
album is mainly electronic with well set guitar play, the athmosphere is rather
melancholic. It starts with a very catchy tune called Blood Chrystals
followed by the song Alien Ann that also directly brings the listener to do
some sort of sing along. Songs like Black Drains and Tangled Stones
are very dark, slow and mystic whereas songs like Joan´s In Prison, Yoga
Noise and Dark Room, my favourites besides the first two songs, are
mainly danceable. Suddenly I recognised a well known voice and yes, it was Blaine
L. Reininger from Tuxedomoon. In Cadaver Synod he has given his best again.
But no suprise, the Nightshade team has seen him live at the W-Festival in Belgium
this summer and his gig was overwhelming. What a cool idea by the guys to work
togetether! The album ends with an instrumental song called Sacramental
Blade which is held very simple but well, better at the end than as an intro.
All in all this is an album I can strongly recommend, the soundmixing and
production is high quality and it makes one want to listen to it again and again.
Good job!
1. Blood Crystals
2. Alien Ann
3. Joan´s In Prison
4. Phantom Chase
5. Black Drains
6. Tanglet Stones
7. Cadaver Synod
8. Yoga Noise
9. Cocks Populi
10. Dark Room
11. Enogold
12. Sacramental Blade
Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2019
Stil: Gothic/Rock
Label: Trisol
