ICED EARTH Bandkopf und Gitarrist Jon Schaffer hat soeben den Albumtitel und weitere Details über das neue Studioalbum der Band bekannt gegeben:
“The new ICED EARTH studio album is expected to have an late 2013 release date. It will be titled “PLAGUES OF BABYLON” and we are very excited about how killer things are sounding this early in the writing/demo process. Below are some of the song titles that will appear on the album.
1.) Plagues of Babylon
2.) Democide
3.) Among The Living Dead
4.) The Resistance
5.) If I Could See You
6.) Peacemaker
7.) Cthulhu
8.) Parasite
I expect this album will be something very special! Stay tuned to this page for breaking news about ICED EARTH’s mega-packed schedule and coming tour dates. You will hear it here first!
Thanks again for your continued support of the band! We love you guys!
Take care,
Jon Schaffer”
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